Syllabus focus for Final Exam 2010-11

Number theory:

·    Rational & Irrational numbers, Real numbers  

·    Cubes and cube roots of numbers.  

·   Make estimates of numbers, quantities and lengths, give approximations to specific significant figures.  

·   Percentages

·   Limits of accuracy

·   Indices

·   Surds

·   Simple Interest 

·  Compound Interest: To find compound interest when interest is compounded annually, half yearly, quarterly.

  • Carry out calculations involving the area of a trapezium, the volume of a cuboid, prism and cylinder and the surface areaof a cube, cuboid and a cylinder   


· Continue a given number sequence; recognize patterns in sequences generalize to simple algebraic statements (including expressions for the nth term) relating to such sequences.  

· Fundamental concepts and operations of algebra (excluding division), polynomials, Basic Identities, Substitution, Simplification and Expansion of algebraic expressions, linear equations, application of linear equations.

  • Grouping the terms
  • Splitting the middle term.
  • Using algebraic identities

Simultaneous equations

·     Substitution method

·     Elimination method

·     Application of Simultaneous equations

Quadratic equations

·     Simple quadratic equations

·     Application of quadratic equations.

 Pythagoras theorem
  • Finding the unknown side of a right angled triangle
  • Converse of Pythagoras theorem
  • Pythagorean triples
  • Application sums
  • Use Pythagoras theorem  to solve three dimensional geometric problems

Coordinate Geometry
  • Interpret and obtain the equation of a straight line
  • Determine the equation of a straight line parallel/perpendicular to a given line.
  • Calculate the gradient of a straight line from the co-ordinates of two points on it
  • Calculate the length and the co-ordinates of the midpoint of a straight line segment from the coordinates of its end points.

Properties of circle
  • Angle properties of circles
  • Angles in opposite segments of circles
  • Tangents
  • Tangent from an external point

  • Trigonometrical ratios
  • Practical applications of trigonometry.


· Mean of grouped data

· Finding the median class and modal class of grouped data


·Calculate the probability of single event as fraction or decimal.

·Calculate the probability of simple combined events